Manchester City v Blackpool FA Cup 3rd Round Replay 1965/66

blackpool home fa cup replay 1965 to 66 prog


FA Cup 3rd Round Replay

24th January 1966

attendance 52,661

Crossan(20), Summerbee(25), Doyle(82)
Blackpool Charnley(70)

Ref P Rhodes

City Dowd, Kennedy, Sear, Doyle, Heslop, Oakes, Summerbee, Crossan, Pardoe, Connor, Young

Blackpool Waiters, Armfield, Thompson, Fisher, James, Green, Lea, Ball, Charnley, McPhee, Horne

blackpool away fa cup 1965 to 66 celeb

mike doyle blue blood   from BLUE BLOOD THE MIKE DOYLE STORY

I played one match against Blackpool with a badly injured ankle but I wouldn’t come off. There were 52,661 fans crammed into Maine Road and we could all sense something special was beginning to happen and we all wanted to be part of it.
At the time the chairman [Albert Alexander] said “In the second half our hearts were in our mouths. We knew that young Doyle was in agony. He had had a bad knock and I though we had had it. Then he got that magnificent goal! What a marvellous display he put on, in fact What a marvellous show by the whole team”.
BLUE BLOOD THE MIKE DOYLE STORY Mike Doyle with David Clayton

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