Manchester City v Liverpool League Cup 3rd Round 1969/70

4fliverpool home leagur cup 1969-70 - programme


League Cup 3rd Round

24th September 1969

Attendance 38,019

City Doyle(11), Young(51), Bowyer(66)
Liverpool Evans(21), Graham(67)

Ref Eric Jennings

City Corrigan, Book, Pardoe, Doyle, Heslop, Oakes, Summerbee, Bell, Lee, Young, Bowyer – used sub Coleman

Liverpool Lawrence, Lawler, Strong, Smith, Yeats, Hughes, Callaghan, Hunt, Graham, Evans, Thompson – used sub  Boersma


liverpool league cup 1969 to 70 doyle goal


liverpool home leagur cup 1969-70 bowyer 3rd goal

liverpool home leagur cup 1969-70 bowyer 3rd goal celeb

FROM AN ARTICLE BY JOHN MADDOCKS, PUBLISHED IN THE CITY PROGRAMME 26TH DECEMBER 1985 The game against Liverpool was a cracker, a superb affair full of what is always considered to be typical Cup-tie football. Over 38,000 fans were treated to an evening of thrills, marked by some excellent goals.
It took City only 11 minutes to take the lead. And who got it? Yes, Mike Doyle. What a goal it was! Franny Lee did the spadework. He ran square across a line of Liverpool defenders, slipping tackles and dodging muddy boots, pushed the ball into DoyIe’s path about 35 yards out. Mike hit a screamer, a drive of enormous accuracy and power which rocketed into Tommy Lawence’s net to put the Blues in front.
Liverpool equalised 10 minutes later when a George Heslop clearance ricocheted off Alun Evan’s head. Evans knew little about it, but it counted.
The second City goal was another splendid effort, a free-kick by Colin Bell to Lee, whose shot was blocked. Ian Bowyer collected the loose ball and slipped it to Neil Young, whose scoring effort rivalled Mike’s for power. Bowyer put the Blues further ahead, but then a Bobby Graham goal for the Reds signalled the start of a furious Merseyside onslaught. The City defence held firm, and no-one fought harder than Doyle to make sure that a Liverpool equaliser never came.

Evans and Graham score Liverpool’s goals

liverpool league cup 1969 to 70 graham liverpool 1st goal liverpool league cup 1969 to 70 evans liverpool 1st goal

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